Monday, September 9, 2019

The Supreme Court, What is its Role?

The Supreme Court. The third branch within our governmental system, But how well do we really know what our Supreme Court does. Within recent months and past year, there has been much conflict within our judicial system with Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh.

Within the early years of America. The United States of America had a court system that really did not mean much to the public. However, when John Marshall became Chief Justice to the Supreme Court and the case of Marbury v. Madison came to be in 1803. The court slowly became into public existence and started to play key roles within our government and how the judicial system operates. Currently the Supreme Court of the United States or SCOTUS is now one of the most powerful court systems in the world.

One of the most harmful decision that the Supreme Court has made was in the case between Dred Scott v Sandford in 1857. It stated that the US Constitution did not include citizenship to African-Americans. This decision lowered the power of the Court and lead to the Civil War in 1861.

The Supreme Court holds currently nine justices to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Such individuals receives packets of court rulings from all levels and each justice decides a ruling before being presented before the individual's who is requesting the case to the Supreme Court.

Image shows current Justices of the United States Supreme Court.

In all, the Supreme Court holds a very important role in how the government of the United States operates. We hold much faith within our Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution and what it stands for. To make accurate rulings against all cases and deme such case either Constitutional or unconstitutional within the court.

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