The 2020 Election Is One To Look At
The upcoming 2020 Presidential Election. An election that will be one for the history books. What are we to expect?
Currently, we do not know what to expect from this 2020 election. Both parties are continuing to build up there platforms and agendas on which they will run on. Along with a fan base to help them get to or stay in the White House. With 19 Democrats and 4 Republicans running for President, this will be an election that every US Citizen needs to participate in.
In Texas, nearly 600,000 new Hispanic citizens will have the ability to vote in the 2020 election from the current 5,200,000 who were able to vote in 2016. For North Carolina, a state that went blue for Former President Obama back in 2008. Democrats would like to repeat that in this upcoming election. Especially with an average of 228,000 new residents each year since 2010, 32% of them has achieved at least a Bachelor's degree allowing NC as a state to be more educated than before. Each citizen and state will have a key role on the direction that this country makes and how it will function as a whole.
This election is going to be playing an instrumental role in how the United States runs politically and economically. We will all play a role in how this election pans out either for the best or worst.