Sunday, October 6, 2019

Mad World Remix Video

Mad World Remix to Moby Video

The 21st Century. A century where nearly 5.13 billion people out of roughly 7.7 billion total on Earth have some form of technological device in the palm of their hand. That is about 66.62% or roughly 2/3 of the population has some form of smart device on them. We today are so reliant on our mobile devices than we are communicating with others face to face.

This video is a terrific representation of what we are becoming as a society. I see kids as young as one-years-old using these tablets and phones. Either to keep the quiet or for educational purposes. Is this what we want our society to turn into? A society that would rather text message the person sitting across from them than having a civil conversation with one another? One where we do not even know how to communicate properly because we are so invested within our phones? Those are the questions that we need to begin to ask ourselves.

These upcoming generations are going to be interesting to see how they grow up. Their thought processes, social skills, etc.

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